Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Help others-Help Youself

Do Something lists more ways to become involved in helping others. Some of the causes are nothing some people would want to get into, but there are many others that you can choose that will be helpful to people across the world. Check it out and surely you can find one that is of interest to you.
Since the accumulation of wealth and achievement of goals by themselves don’t seem to provide the purpose and meaning people want in their lives, how can someone learn to be grateful? There are several things one can do to build gratitude for the many good things that happen to them. Meditation can be effective; it does require finding how to meditate which you can discover with an online search for this term. Then you need to practice on a daily basis—it’s harder to get into than it may seem. And there’s the 21-day “no complaint” idea. You may want to try this and you can find a lot more about it from Tim Ferris, author of The 4-Hour Workweek.( http://www.fourhourworkweek.com/blog/2007/09/18/real-mind-control-the-21-day-no-complaint-experiment/)  But there is a much simpler way to become grateful—it is called “gratitude training” which you learn by daily exercises. As soon as you wake up, ask yourself, “What am I grateful for in my life?” Then write at least five things in your life you really appreciate. Make yourself do this for awhile, and soon it will become part of you. For more about gratitude see this page.( http://www.simplemarriage.net/gratitude-training.html)
In the U.S. and all around the world, there is a revival of the quest for spiritual meaning and the purpose for our lives. Most of you are not yet at the age of baby boomers; they are your parents, but from just being around them and from observing all the weird things people young and old are doing, you realize the strong search for a reason to live. Begin to use some of the ideas we have discussed to make your life richer and more fulfilling. Don’t wait until retirement, as many have. It’s never too late to revive your spiritual needs, but if you begin early, your life will be a lot happier, your health will be better, and you will enjoy everything you do. There are a lot of clinically depressed people in our culture. If more people found deeper meaning for their lives at an earlier age, it would do away with a lot of these depressed people. Just try a few of these ideas that interest you; no one can do them all.
Help others—help yourself!
© Yank Elliott.  All rights reserved worldwide.
Yank is a home-based entrepreneur and freelance business writer living in Hurricane Alley, North Carolina, USA. His Website is http://www.alternate-choice.com and you may contact Yank at mailto:newideas@alternate-choice.com.