New for 2015: JMT Gateway!
What makes our new “JMT” (Join My Team) Gateway special is that it is highly personalized for you.
Your JMT Gateway is a powerful, personalized invitation to prospects to join you in SFI. It features your photo, your name, and your country. Also, all of your SFI badges are proudly displayed below your photo! And if you’ve been with SFI for at least 90 days, it also tells the prospect how long you’ve been an SFI affiliate.
Sections include:
- A personalized letter to your prospect, from you to them
- A list of reasons why they’ll love SFI
- Testimonials + a link to dozens more
- A “Powered by SFI” section that highlights TripleClicks, Pricebenders, and our Eager Zebra games division.
1. Your photo is a KEY element of the page. Hence, it’s very important that you use the best photo of yourself you can. We use your standard SFI account photo. You can upload a new or different account photo HERE. And whatever you do, please don’t use the JMT Gateway if you don’t have an account photo in place. Nobody wants to join the team of a faceless sponsor!2. We also strongly suggest that you make sure your NAME is your actual first and last name (not a company name or other name–which we’ll be providing a special, separate place for soon). If you do not, the letter to your prospect is going to read strangely and you will NOT make as good of as an impression as you could otherwise. First impressions count! Also use proper capitalization (only the first letter of your first and last names should be capitalized). You may update your name HERE.
3. One of the ways you can impress your prospects with your JMT Gateway is by sporting the most prestigious badges possible. To learn how you can earn more badges (and/or upgrade some of the ones you have), visit our Badges Gallery HERE. By the way, some new badges are coming soon, so be watching for announcements about how to earn the new badges, too.
1. Will the new JMT Gateway work better than our standard Gateways? We honestly don’t know, as there really was no way to properly test them. Therefore, we would encourage everyone to ease into use of the JMT Gateway. Consider converting only SOME of your advertising to the new JMT link…and then use key codes to track which is working best for you. If they work well, you can then convert ALL of your ads. And please use the SFI Forum to let your fellow SFI affiliates know the results that you are getting.2. The next-to-last paragraph in the letter portion of the JMT Gateways includes the following text:
My #1 job in SFI is helping the
affiliates that I sponsor become successful. When you join my team, know
that in me you will have a committed partner and mentor, and that I
stand ready to assist you in any way I can.
If you are not prepared to stand behind this statement and actively
support the affiliates you sponsor, do not use the JMT Gateway!Are your ready to view your new personalized JMT Gateway? Go now to (with XXXX replaced by your SFI ID number):
One more thing: This is version 1.0 of the JMT Gateway. We have some additional features to debut a little later. We’d also love to hear your suggestions about possible other features YOU would like to see.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS:
Q: The JMT Gateway displays my SFI badges, but not my TripleClicks badges–which I’d like to also display. How come?We want to give you that choice…actually the choice on ALL of your badges–which you wish to display and which you do not. A new Badge Manager needs to first be created, however, and that is a few weeks away. Once it’s in place, you’ll be able to pick and choose exactly which badges to display not only on your JMT Gateway but at other SFI and TripleClicks areas too.
Q: Since it’s personalized webpage, why not allow me to create my own letter?
We’re considering that option. Watch for announcements.
Q: Are there applications that might be better for using the JMT Gateway rather than other standard gateways?
We believe there are, yes, but that’s where testing needs to come in. Generally speaking, however, the JMT Gateway might be best when you’ve already made contact and maybe already introduced them to SFI. By referring such prospects to the JMT Gateway, you can now introduce YOURSELF and perhaps show your prospect SFI in a “different light.” But again, TESTING is the only way to find out for sure.
Q: Having the badges on the JMT Gateway sounds like a good idea, but since most of the badges reference things and programs they’ve never heard of, will it really impress anyone?
It’s impossible to know. Everyone’s different of course. We believe, however, that having a high Power Rank, being a Fast-Track Member, being a Forum Guru, being an E365 Champion or Finalist, and so on, IS going to make you stand out and cause prospects to want to join with you. Most people want to join with winners!
Q: I’ve only been with SFI a short time, I don’t have many badges, etc. Should I use it?
That’s totally up to you. You can, of course, start using it anytime in the future when you feel it will work for you.